Thursday, January 5, 2017

3 Things you must do after joining a Tap Titans 2 Clan!

aka The reason you got kicked in TT2 Clan

What's the fun playing alone? Joining a Clan is a must Do for Tap Titans 2 players, let me walk you through everything about clan. This is very basic information but I hope you will find it useful since I am the Master of my clan, and I keep kicking people all the time. Don't blame me, it's something we have to do to keep our clan stronger and active. But following my tutorial will likely prevent you from getting kicked in Tap Titans 2 Clans.

Basic A, B, C after joining a Clan...

A, Clan Quest! Clan Quest! Clan Quest! We speak 3 times for important stuff. Yes, no matter what your level is, do the clan quest. It only took 30 seconds of your time and you can do it every hour. If the clan boss just defeated in cool down, then just remember if you are still on when it's up do it right away.

B, Say hello??!! Yes, this is for real. Where is your manner? I have seen so many people missing this basic greeting, even a preschool kid can do this!

C, Keep tapping, grinding... As a new player that never prestige before, your Clan Quest boss attack damage per tap is 50. This is fine. We all know you are new, but if you not leveling up. This is 50 damage forever which is not good for the clan. You should do your first prestige as soon as possible. To prestige, your tap level need to be 600, and the recommended stage level to do that is around stage 105-110.

BTW, can you change your name make sure it's not "Sword Master" LOL

Benefit of joining a clan?

Now here are the goodies, why you try so hard find a good clan and stay in one. Clans are great for boosting your damage. After you join a clan, a ship will appear in the upper left-hand corner of your screen. This ship will fire 10x your tap damage/sec every 10 seconds. This amount will increases, the higher clan boss level, the higher bonus damage!

Also, the Clan crate! 

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